My Story
Hello and thank you again for stopping by!
My name is Tayla Weber, and I am a registered music therapist with the Australian Music Therapy Association (AMTA).
I studied a Masters in creative music therapy at Western Sydney University and graduated with distinction (MCrMusTh Dist).
My beautiful therapy space is located at Watagan Dental in Cooranbong. I also offer home and facility visits if attending our therapy room isn't possible for you.
Music therapy is where my love and passion for quality health care and music collide in the best possible way! It can create an amazing opportunity for example in; improved quality of life, personal growth, cognitive functioning, receptive and expressive communication, emotional regulation and gross and fine motor skills.
Music therapy can be used for everybody and every ability!
When I am not working, you can find me performing in musicals around Newcastle and enjoying the hard yet most rewarding gift of being a mother.
The 'music' part of music therapy.
Is musical skill or knowledge needed?
A music therapist has an array of musical techniques, sounds and instruments to explore during a session. There is no expectation of the participant when it comes to musical ability or knowledge. Using music provides motivation and reduces therapeutic pressure by instilling a fun and creative way of aiming to meet objectives and goals for therapy.
The beauty of using music as a therapy is that almost every human being has some form of connection to music. A music therapist always has this in mind, and aims to integrate the participants musical connections as well as introduce new and exciting musical elements by exploration or gathering information at the inital session/assessment from family, carer or the client themselves.
Music is a multi-sensory experience which has direct connection to our mind and body. Each person has varying experiences with music and that is why a music therapy has the ability to nurture your health through music.
Music Therapy - AMTA
The definition as said by the Australian Music Therapy Association is; a research- based practice and profession in which music is used to actively support people as they strive to improve their health, functioning and well-being. Registered music therapists (RMTs) are skilled musicians who are trained to understand how music participation impacts behaviour, cognitive processes and emotions.
In 'services and more information' you will find useful links to websites, web series and other helpful information regarding music therapy.
Direct link to AMTA - What is Music Therapy?
Safety Matters -
At Lake Macquarie Music Therapy we are keeping up to date with the latest in; infection control and restriction levels through the guidelines provided by the NSW Government and AMTA (Australian Music Therapy Association).
Get in contact to see how music therapy has been adapted in order to continue providing the wonderful service that is; music therapy!